1257. Class

1257.1. Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Sitemap

Helper for printing sitemaps

1257.1.1. Methods

1257.1.1.1. __invoke


Helper entry point

Parameters:string|AbstractContainer – container to operate on
Return type:Sitemap

1257.1.1.2. setFormatOutput


Sets whether XML output should be formatted

Parameters:bool – [optional] whether output should be formatted. Default is true.
Return type:Sitemap fluent interface, returns self

1257.1.1.3. getFormatOutput


Returns whether XML output should be formatted

Return type:bool whether XML output should be formatted

1257.1.1.4. setUseXmlDeclaration


Sets whether the XML declaration should be used in output

Parameters:bool – whether XML declaration should be rendered
Return type:Sitemap fluent interface, returns self

1257.1.1.5. getUseXmlDeclaration


Returns whether the XML declaration should be used in output

Return type:bool whether the XML declaration should be used in output

1257.1.1.6. setUseSitemapValidators


Sets whether sitemap should be validated using ZendValidateSitemap_*

Parameters:bool – whether sitemap validators should be used
Return type:Sitemap fluent interface, returns self

1257.1.1.7. getUseSitemapValidators


Returns whether sitemap should be validated using ZendValidateSitemap_*

Return type:bool whether sitemap should be validated using validators

1257.1.1.8. setUseSchemaValidation


Sets whether sitemap should be schema validated when generated

Parameters:bool – whether sitemap should validated using XSD Schema
Return type:Sitemap

1257.1.1.9. getUseSchemaValidation


Returns true if sitemap should be schema validated when generated

Return type:bool

1257.1.1.10. setServerUrl


Sets server url (scheme and host-related stuff without request URI)

E.g. http://www.example.com

Parameters:string – server URL to set (only scheme and host)
Return type:Sitemap fluent interface, returns self
Throws :ExceptionInvalidArgumentException if invalid server URL

1257.1.1.11. getServerUrl


Returns server URL

Return type:string server URL

1257.1.1.12. xmlEscape


Escapes string for XML usage

Parameters:string – string to escape
Return type:string escaped string

1257.1.1.13. url


Returns an escaped absolute URL for the given page

Parameters:AbstractPage – page to get URL from
Return type:string

1257.1.1.14. getDomSitemap


Returns a DOMDocument containing the Sitemap XML for the given container

Parameters:AbstractContainer – [optional] container to get breadcrumbs from, defaults to what is registered in the helper
Return type:DOMDocument DOM representation of the container
Throws :ExceptionRuntimeException if schema validation is on and the sitemap is invalid according to the sitemap schema, or if sitemap validators are used and the loc element fails validation

1257.1.1.15. render


Renders helper

Implements {@link HelperInterface::render()}.

Parameters:AbstractContainer – [optional] container to render. Default is to render the container registered in the helper.
Return type:string helper output

1257.1.2. Constants

1257.1.2.1. SITEMAP_NS

Namespace for the <urlset> tag

1257.1.2.2. SITEMAP_XSD

Schema URL