.. View/Helper/Navigation/Sitemap.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\View\\Helper\\Navigation\\Sitemap ======================================= Helper for printing sitemaps Methods ------- __invoke ++++++++ .. function:: __invoke() Helper entry point :param string|AbstractContainer: container to operate on :rtype: Sitemap setFormatOutput +++++++++++++++ .. function:: setFormatOutput() Sets whether XML output should be formatted :param bool: [optional] whether output should be formatted. Default is true. :rtype: Sitemap fluent interface, returns self getFormatOutput +++++++++++++++ .. function:: getFormatOutput() Returns whether XML output should be formatted :rtype: bool whether XML output should be formatted setUseXmlDeclaration ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setUseXmlDeclaration() Sets whether the XML declaration should be used in output :param bool: whether XML declaration should be rendered :rtype: Sitemap fluent interface, returns self getUseXmlDeclaration ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getUseXmlDeclaration() Returns whether the XML declaration should be used in output :rtype: bool whether the XML declaration should be used in output setUseSitemapValidators +++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setUseSitemapValidators() Sets whether sitemap should be validated using Zend\Validate\Sitemap_* :param bool: whether sitemap validators should be used :rtype: Sitemap fluent interface, returns self getUseSitemapValidators +++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getUseSitemapValidators() Returns whether sitemap should be validated using Zend\Validate\Sitemap_* :rtype: bool whether sitemap should be validated using validators setUseSchemaValidation ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setUseSchemaValidation() Sets whether sitemap should be schema validated when generated :param bool: whether sitemap should validated using XSD Schema :rtype: Sitemap getUseSchemaValidation ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getUseSchemaValidation() Returns true if sitemap should be schema validated when generated :rtype: bool setServerUrl ++++++++++++ .. function:: setServerUrl() Sets server url (scheme and host-related stuff without request URI) E.g. http://www.example.com :param string: server URL to set (only scheme and host) :rtype: Sitemap fluent interface, returns self :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException if invalid server URL getServerUrl ++++++++++++ .. function:: getServerUrl() Returns server URL :rtype: string server URL xmlEscape +++++++++ .. function:: xmlEscape() Escapes string for XML usage :param string: string to escape :rtype: string escaped string url +++ .. function:: url() Returns an escaped absolute URL for the given page :param AbstractPage: page to get URL from :rtype: string getDomSitemap +++++++++++++ .. function:: getDomSitemap() Returns a DOMDocument containing the Sitemap XML for the given container :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to get breadcrumbs from, defaults to what is registered in the helper :rtype: DOMDocument DOM representation of the container :throws: Exception\RuntimeException if schema validation is on and the sitemap is invalid according to the sitemap schema, or if sitemap validators are used and the loc element fails validation render ++++++ .. function:: render() Renders helper Implements {@link HelperInterface::render()}. :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to render. Default is to render the container registered in the helper. :rtype: string helper output Constants --------- SITEMAP_NS ++++++++++ Namespace for the tag SITEMAP_XSD +++++++++++ Schema URL