1486. Class

1486.1. Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\AbstractCallback

1486.1.1. Methods

1486.1.1.1. __construct


Constructor; accepts an array or Traversable object to preset options for the Subscriber without calling all supported setter methods in turn.

Parameters:array|Traversable – Options array or Traversable object

1486.1.1.2. setOptions


Process any injected configuration options

Parameters:array|Traversable – Options array or Traversable object
Return type:AbstractCallback
Throws :ExceptionInvalidArgumentException

1486.1.1.3. sendResponse


Send the response, including all headers. If you wish to handle this via Zend_Http, use the getter methods to retrieve any data needed to be set on your HTTP Response object, or simply give this object the HTTP Response instance to work with for you!

Return type:void

1486.1.1.4. setStorage


Sets an instance of ZendFeedPubsubhubbubModelSubscriptionPersistence used to background save any verification tokens associated with a subscription or other.

Return type:AbstractCallback

1486.1.1.5. getStorage


Gets an instance of ZendFeedPubsubhubbubModelSubscriptionPersistence used to background save any verification tokens associated with a subscription or other.

Return type:ModelSubscriptionPersistenceInterface
Throws :ExceptionRuntimeException

1486.1.1.6. setHttpResponse


An instance of a class handling Http Responses. This is implemented in ZendFeedPubsubhubbubHttpResponse which shares an unenforced interface with (i.e. not inherited from) ZendControllerResponseHttp.

Return type:AbstractCallback
Throws :ExceptionInvalidArgumentException

1486.1.1.7. getHttpResponse


An instance of a class handling Http Responses. This is implemented in ZendFeedPubsubhubbubHttpResponse which shares an unenforced interface with (i.e. not inherited from) ZendControllerResponseHttp.

Return type:HttpResponse|PhpResponse

1486.1.1.8. setSubscriberCount


Sets the number of Subscribers for which any updates are on behalf of. In other words, is this class serving one or more subscribers? How many? Defaults to 1 if left unchanged.

Return type:AbstractCallback
Throws :ExceptionInvalidArgumentException

1486.1.1.9. getSubscriberCount


Gets the number of Subscribers for which any updates are on behalf of. In other words, is this class serving one or more subscribers? How many?

Return type:int

1486.1.1.10. _detectCallbackUrl


Attempt to detect the callback URL (specifically the path forward)

Return type:string

1486.1.1.11. _getHttpHost


Get the HTTP host

Return type:string

1486.1.1.12. _getHeader


Retrieve a Header value from either $_SERVER or Apache

Return type:bool|string

1486.1.1.13. _getRawBody


Return the raw body of the request

Return type:string|false Raw body, or false if not present