724. Class

724.1. Zend\Filter\UriNormalize

724.1.1. Methods

724.1.1.1. __construct


Sets filter options

Return type:void

724.1.1.2. setDefaultScheme


Set the default scheme to use when parsing scheme-less URIs

The scheme used when parsing URIs may affect the specific object used to normalize the URI and thus may affect the resulting normalize URI.

Return type:ZendFilterUriNormalize

724.1.1.3. setEnforcedScheme


Set a URI scheme to enforce on schemeless URIs

This allows forcing input values such as ‘www.example.com/foo’ into ‘http://www.example.com/foo‘.

This should be used with caution, as a standard-compliant URI parser would regard ‘www.example.com’ in the above input URI to be the path and not host part of the URI. While this option can assist in solving real-world user mishaps, it may yield unexpected results at times.

Return type:ZendFilterUriNormalize

724.1.1.4. filter


Filter the URL by normalizing it and applying a default scheme if set

Return type:string

724.1.1.5. enforceScheme


Enforce the defined scheme on the URI

This will also adjust the host and path parts of the URI as expected in the case of scheme-less network URIs


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