653. Class

653.1. Zend\Validator\File\Exists

Validator which checks if the file already exists in the directory

653.1.1. Methods

653.1.1.1. __construct


Sets validator options


653.1.1.2. getDirectory


Returns the set file directories which are checked

Parameters:bool – Returns the values as array; when false, a concatenated string is returned
Return type:string|null

653.1.1.3. setDirectory


Sets the file directory which will be checked

Parameters:string|array – The directories to validate
Return type:Extension Provides a fluent interface

653.1.1.4. addDirectory


Adds the file directory which will be checked

Parameters:string|array – The directory to add for validation
Return type:Extension Provides a fluent interface
Throws :ExceptionInvalidArgumentException

653.1.1.5. isValid


Returns true if and only if the file already exists in the set directories

Parameters:string|array – Real file to check for existence
Return type:bool

653.1.2. Constants

653.1.2.1. DOES_NOT_EXIST

@const string Error constants