.. Log/Writer/Mail.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Log\\Writer\\Mail ======================= Class used for writing log messages to email via Zend\Mail. Allows for emailing log messages at and above a certain level via a Zend\Mail\Message object. Note that this class only sends the email upon completion, so any log entries accumulated are sent in a single email. The email is sent using a Zend\Mail\Transport\TransportInterface object (Sendmail is default). Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor :param MailMessage|array|Traversable: :param Transport\TransportInterface: Optional :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: setTransport ++++++++++++ .. function:: setTransport() Set the transport message :param Transport\TransportInterface: :rtype: Mail doWrite +++++++ .. function:: doWrite() Places event line into array of lines to be used as message body. :param array: Event data setSubjectPrependText +++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setSubjectPrependText() Allows caller to have the mail subject dynamically set to contain the entry counts per-priority level. Sets the text for use in the subject, with entry counts per-priority level appended to the end. Since a Zend\Mail\Message subject can only be set once, this method cannot be used if the Zend\Mail\Message object already has a subject set. :param string: Subject prepend text :rtype: Mail shutdown ++++++++ .. function:: shutdown() Sends mail to recipient(s) if log entries are present. Note that both plaintext and HTML portions of email are handled here. getFormattedNumEntriesPerPriority +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getFormattedNumEntriesPerPriority() Gets a string of number of entries per-priority level that occurred, or an empty string if none occurred. :rtype: string