.. Filter/Word/SeparatorToSeparator.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Filter\\Word\\SeparatorToSeparator ======================================== Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor :param string: Separator to search for :param string: Separator to replace with setSearchSeparator ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setSearchSeparator() Sets a new seperator to search for :param string: Seperator to search for :rtype: SeparatorToSeparator getSearchSeparator ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getSearchSeparator() Returns the actual set separator to search for :rtype: string setReplacementSeparator +++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setReplacementSeparator() Sets a new separator which replaces the searched one :param string: Separator which replaces the searched one :rtype: SeparatorToSeparator getReplacementSeparator +++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getReplacementSeparator() Returns the actual set separator which replaces the searched one :rtype: string filter ++++++ .. function:: filter() Defined by Zend\Filter\Filter Returns the string $value, replacing the searched separators with the defined ones :param string: :rtype: string