.. View/Stream.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\View\\Stream ================== Stream wrapper to convert markup of mostly-PHP templates into PHP prior to include(). Based in large part on the example at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-wrapper-register.php As well as the example provided at: http://mikenaberezny.com/2006/02/19/symphony-templates-ruby-erb/ written by Mike Naberezny (@link http://mikenaberezny.com) Paul M. Jones (@link http://paul-m-jones.com) Methods ------- stream_open +++++++++++ .. function:: stream_open() Opens the script file and converts markup. url_stat ++++++++ .. function:: url_stat() Included so that __FILE__ returns the appropriate info :rtype: array stream_read +++++++++++ .. function:: stream_read() Reads from the stream. stream_tell +++++++++++ .. function:: stream_tell() Tells the current position in the stream. stream_eof ++++++++++ .. function:: stream_eof() Tells if we are at the end of the stream. stream_stat +++++++++++ .. function:: stream_stat() Stream statistics. stream_seek +++++++++++ .. function:: stream_seek() Seek to a specific point in the stream.