.. Validator/NotEmpty.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Validator\\NotEmpty ========================= Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor :param array|Traversable|int: OPTIONAL getType +++++++ .. function:: getType() Returns the set types :rtype: array setType +++++++ .. function:: setType() Set the types :param integer|array: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: NotEmpty isValid +++++++ .. function:: isValid() Returns true if and only if $value is not an empty value. :param string: :rtype: bool Constants --------- BOOLEAN +++++++ INTEGER +++++++ FLOAT +++++ STRING ++++++ ZERO ++++ EMPTY_ARRAY +++++++++++ NULL ++++ PHP +++ SPACE +++++ OBJECT ++++++ OBJECT_STRING +++++++++++++ OBJECT_COUNT ++++++++++++ ALL +++ INVALID +++++++ IS_EMPTY ++++++++