.. Uri/UriInterface.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\__construct ====================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\__construct() Create a new URI object :param Uri|string|null: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\isValid ================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\isValid() Check if the URI is valid Note that a relative URI may still be valid :rtype: bool Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\isValidRelative ========================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\isValidRelative() Check if the URI is a valid relative URI :rtype: bool Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\isAbsolute ===================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\isAbsolute() Check if the URI is an absolute or relative URI :rtype: bool Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\parse ================ .. function:: Zend\Uri\parse() Parse a URI string :param string: :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\toString =================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\toString() Compose the URI into a string :rtype: string :throws: Exception\InvalidUriException Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\normalize ==================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\normalize() Normalize the URI Normalizing a URI includes removing any redundant parent directory or current directory references from the path (e.g. foo/bar/../baz becomes foo/baz), normalizing the scheme case, decoding any over-encoded characters etc. Eventually, two normalized URLs pointing to the same resource should be equal even if they were originally represented by two different strings :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\makeRelative ======================= .. function:: Zend\Uri\makeRelative() Convert the link to a relative link by substracting a base URI This is the opposite of resolving a relative link - i.e. creating a relative reference link from an original URI and a base URI. If the two URIs do not intersect (e.g. the original URI is not in any way related to the base URI) the URI will not be modified. :param Uri|string: :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getScheme ==================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getScheme() Get the scheme part of the URI :rtype: string|null Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getUserInfo ====================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getUserInfo() Get the User-info (usually user:password) part :rtype: string|null Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getHost ================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getHost() Get the URI host :rtype: string|null Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getPort ================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getPort() Get the URI port :rtype: integer|null Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getPath ================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getPath() Get the URI path :rtype: string|null Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getQuery =================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getQuery() Get the URI query :rtype: string|null Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getQueryAsArray ========================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getQueryAsArray() Return the query string as an associative array of key => value pairs This is an extension to RFC-3986 but is quite useful when working with most common URI types :rtype: array Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\getFragment ====================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\getFragment() Get the URI fragment :rtype: string|null Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\setScheme ==================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\setScheme() Set the URI scheme If the scheme is not valid according to the generic scheme syntax or is not acceptable by the specific URI class (e.g. 'http' or 'https' are the only acceptable schemes for the Zend\Uri\Http class) an exception will be thrown. You can check if a scheme is valid before setting it using the validateScheme() method. :param string: :throws Exception\InvalidUriPartException: :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\setUserInfo ====================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\setUserInfo() Set the URI User-info part (usually user:password) :param string: :rtype: Uri :throws: Exception\InvalidUriPartException If the schema definition does not have this part Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\setHost ================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\setHost() Set the URI host Note that the generic syntax for URIs allows using host names which are not necessarily IPv4 addresses or valid DNS host names. For example, IPv6 addresses are allowed as well, and also an abstract "registered name" which may be any name composed of a valid set of characters, including, for example, tilda (~) and underscore (_) which are not allowed in DNS names. Subclasses of Uri may impose more strict validation of host names - for example the HTTP RFC clearly states that only IPv4 and valid DNS names are allowed in HTTP URIs. :param string: :throws Exception\InvalidUriPartException: :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\setPort ================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\setPort() Set the port part of the URI :param integer: :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\setPath ================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\setPath() Set the path :param string: :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\setQuery =================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\setQuery() Set the query string If an array is provided, will encode this array of parameters into a query string. Array values will be represented in the query string using PHP's common square bracket notation. :param string|array: :rtype: Uri Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\setFragment ====================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\setFragment() Set the URI fragment part :param string: :rtype: Uri :throws: Exception\InvalidUriPartException If the schema definition does not have this part Function ******** Zend\\Uri\\__toString ===================== .. function:: Zend\Uri\__toString() Magic method to convert the URI to a string :rtype: string