.. Feed/PubSubHubbub/Subscriber/Callback.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Feed\\PubSubHubbub\\Subscriber\\Callback ============================================== Methods ------- setSubscriptionKey ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setSubscriptionKey() Set a subscription key to use for the current callback request manually. Required if usePathParameter is enabled for the Subscriber. :param string: :rtype: \Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Subscriber\Callback handle ++++++ .. function:: handle() Handle any callback from a Hub Server responding to a subscription or unsubscription request. This should be the Hub Server confirming the the request prior to taking action on it. :param array: GET data if available and not in $_GET :param bool: Whether to send response now or when asked :rtype: void isValidHubVerification ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: isValidHubVerification() Checks validity of the request simply by making a quick pass and confirming the presence of all REQUIRED parameters. :param array: :rtype: bool setFeedUpdate +++++++++++++ .. function:: setFeedUpdate() Sets a newly received feed (Atom/RSS) sent by a Hub as an update to a Topic we've subscribed to. :param string: :rtype: \Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Subscriber\Callback hasFeedUpdate +++++++++++++ .. function:: hasFeedUpdate() Check if any newly received feed (Atom/RSS) update was received :rtype: bool getFeedUpdate +++++++++++++ .. function:: getFeedUpdate() Gets a newly received feed (Atom/RSS) sent by a Hub as an update to a Topic we've subscribed to. :rtype: string _hasValidVerifyToken ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _hasValidVerifyToken() Check for a valid verify_token. By default attempts to compare values with that sent from Hub, otherwise merely ascertains its existence. :param array: :param bool: :rtype: bool _detectVerifyTokenKey +++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _detectVerifyTokenKey() Attempt to detect the verification token key. This would be passed in the Callback URL (which we are handling with this class!) as a URI path part (the last part by convention). :param null|array: :rtype: false|string _parseQueryString +++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _parseQueryString() Build an array of Query String parameters. This bypasses $_GET which munges parameter names and cannot accept multiple parameters with the same key. :rtype: array|void