.. Stdlib/StringWrapper/StringWrapperInterface.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\isSupported ======================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\isSupported() Check if the given character encoding is supported by this wrapper and the character encoding to convert to is also supported. :param string: :param string|null: Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\getSupportedEncodings ================================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\getSupportedEncodings() Get a list of supported character encodings :rtype: string[] Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\setEncoding ======================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\setEncoding() Set character encoding working with and convert to :param string: The character encoding to work with :param string|null: The character encoding to convert to :rtype: StringWrapperInterface Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\getEncoding ======================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\getEncoding() Get the defined character encoding to work with (upper case) :rtype: string Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\getConvertEncoding =============================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\getConvertEncoding() Get the defined character encoding to convert to (upper case) :rtype: string|null Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\strlen =================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\strlen() Returns the length of the given string :param string: :rtype: int|false Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\substr =================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\substr() Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters :param string: :param int: :param int|null: :param string: :rtype: string|false Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\strpos =================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\strpos() Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string :param string: :param string: :param int: :param string: :rtype: int|false Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\convert ==================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\convert() Convert a string from defined encoding to the defined convert encoding :param string: :param boolean: :rtype: string|false Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\wordWrap ===================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\wordWrap() Wraps a string to a given number of characters :param string: :param integer: :param string: :param boolean: :rtype: string Function ******** Zend\\Stdlib\\StringWrapper\\strPad =================================== .. function:: Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\strPad() Pad a string to a certain length with another string :param string: :param integer: :param string: :param integer: :rtype: string