.. Session/Storage/SessionStorage.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Session\\Storage\\SessionStorage ====================================== Session storage in $_SESSION Replaces the $_SESSION superglobal with an ArrayObject that allows for property access, metadata storage, locking, and immutability. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor Sets the $_SESSION superglobal to an ArrayObject, maintaining previous values if any discovered. :param array|null: :param int: :param string: __destruct ++++++++++ .. function:: __destruct() Destructor Resets $_SESSION superglobal to an array, by casting object using getArrayCopy(). :rtype: void fromArray +++++++++ .. function:: fromArray() Load session object from an existing array Ensures $_SESSION is set to an instance of the object when complete. :param array: :rtype: SessionStorage markImmutable +++++++++++++ .. function:: markImmutable() Mark object as isImmutable :rtype: SessionStorage isImmutable +++++++++++ .. function:: isImmutable() Determine if this object is isImmutable :rtype: bool