.. Mail/Storage/Mbox.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Mail\\Storage\\Mbox ========================= Methods ------- countMessages +++++++++++++ .. function:: countMessages() Count messages all messages in current box :rtype: int number of messages :throws: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface getSize +++++++ .. function:: getSize() Get a list of messages with number and size :param int|null: number of message or null for all messages :rtype: int|array size of given message of list with all messages as array(num => size) getPos ++++++ .. function:: getPos() Get positions for mail message or throw exception if id is invalid :param int: number of message :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: array positions as in positions getMessage ++++++++++ .. function:: getMessage() Fetch a message :param int: number of message :rtype: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Message\File :throws: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface getRawHeader ++++++++++++ .. function:: getRawHeader() getRawContent +++++++++++++ .. function:: getRawContent() __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Create instance with parameters Supported parameters are: - filename filename of mbox file :param $params: mail reader specific parameters :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: isMboxFile ++++++++++ .. function:: isMboxFile() check if given file is a mbox file if $file is a resource its file pointer is moved after the first line :param resource|string: stream resource of name of file :param bool: file is string or resource :rtype: bool file is mbox file openMboxFile ++++++++++++ .. function:: openMboxFile() open given file as current mbox file :param string: filename of mbox file :throws Exception\RuntimeException: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: close +++++ .. function:: close() Close resource for mail lib. If you need to control, when the resource is closed. Otherwise the destructor would call this. noop ++++ .. function:: noop() Waste some CPU cycles doing nothing. :rtype: bool always return true removeMessage +++++++++++++ .. function:: removeMessage() stub for not supported message deletion :param $id: :throws Exception\RuntimeException: getUniqueId +++++++++++ .. function:: getUniqueId() get unique id for one or all messages Mbox does not support unique ids (yet) - it's always the same as the message number. That shouldn't be a problem, because we can't change mbox files. Therefor the message number is save enough. :param int|null: message number :rtype: array|string message number for given message or all messages as array :throws: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface getNumberByUniqueId +++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getNumberByUniqueId() get a message number from a unique id I.e. if you have a webmailer that supports deleting messages you should use unique ids as parameter and use this method to translate it to message number right before calling removeMessage() :param string: unique id :rtype: int message number :throws: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface __sleep +++++++ .. function:: __sleep() magic method for serialize() with this method you can cache the mbox class :rtype: array name of variables __wakeup ++++++++ .. function:: __wakeup() magic method for unserialize() with this method you can cache the mbox class for cache validation the mtime of the mbox file is used