.. Mail/Storage/Folder.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Mail\\Storage\\Folder =========================== Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() create a new mail folder instance :param string: name of folder in current subdirectory :param string: absolute name of folder :param bool: if true folder holds messages, if false it's just a parent for subfolders (Default: true) :param array: init with given instances of \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder as subfolders hasChildren +++++++++++ .. function:: hasChildren() implements RecursiveIterator::hasChildren() :rtype: bool current element has children getChildren +++++++++++ .. function:: getChildren() implements RecursiveIterator::getChildren() :rtype: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder same as self::current() valid +++++ .. function:: valid() implements Iterator::valid() :rtype: bool check if there's a current element next ++++ .. function:: next() implements Iterator::next() key +++ .. function:: key() implements Iterator::key() :rtype: string key/local name of current element current +++++++ .. function:: current() implements Iterator::current() :rtype: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder current folder rewind ++++++ .. function:: rewind() implements Iterator::rewind() __get +++++ .. function:: __get() get subfolder named $name :param string: wanted subfolder :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder folder named $folder __set +++++ .. function:: __set() add or replace subfolder named $name :param string: local name of subfolder :param \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder: instance for new subfolder __unset +++++++ .. function:: __unset() remove subfolder named $name :param string: local name of subfolder __toString ++++++++++ .. function:: __toString() magic method for easy output of global name :rtype: string global name of folder getLocalName ++++++++++++ .. function:: getLocalName() get local name :rtype: string local name getGlobalName +++++++++++++ .. function:: getGlobalName() get global name :rtype: string global name isSelectable ++++++++++++ .. function:: isSelectable() is this folder selectable? :rtype: bool selectable isLeaf ++++++ .. function:: isLeaf() check if folder has no subfolder :rtype: bool true if no subfolders