.. Authentication/Storage/Chain.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Authentication\\Storage\\Chain ==================================== Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Initializes the priority queue. add +++ .. function:: add() @param StorageInterface $storage :param integer: isEmpty +++++++ .. function:: isEmpty() Loop over the queue of storage until a storage is found that is non-empty. If such storage is not found, then this chain storage itself is empty. In case a non-empty storage is found then this chain storage is also non-empty. Report that, but also make sure that all storage with higher priorty that are empty are filled. read ++++ .. function:: read() If the chain is non-empty then the storage with the top priority is guaranteed to be filled. Return its value. write +++++ .. function:: write() Write the new $contents to all storage in the chain. clear +++++ .. function:: clear() Clear all storage in the chain.