.. Session/Storage/ArrayStorage.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Session\\Storage\\ArrayStorage ==================================== Array session storage Defines an ArrayObject interface for accessing session storage, with options for setting metadata, locking, and marking as isImmutable. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor Instantiates storage as an ArrayObject, allowing property access. Also sets the initial request access time. :param array: :param int: :param string: setRequestAccessTime ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setRequestAccessTime() Set the request access time :param float: :rtype: ArrayStorage getRequestAccessTime ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getRequestAccessTime() Retrieve the request access time :rtype: float offsetSet +++++++++ .. function:: offsetSet() @param mixed $key :param mixed: :throws Exception\RuntimeException: lock ++++ .. function:: lock() Lock this storage instance, or a key within it :param null|int|string: :rtype: ArrayStorage isLocked ++++++++ .. function:: isLocked() Is the object or key marked as locked? :param null|int|string: :rtype: bool unlock ++++++ .. function:: unlock() Unlock an object or key marked as locked :param null|int|string: :rtype: ArrayStorage markImmutable +++++++++++++ .. function:: markImmutable() Mark the storage container as isImmutable :rtype: ArrayStorage isImmutable +++++++++++ .. function:: isImmutable() Is the storage container marked as isImmutable? :rtype: bool setMetadata +++++++++++ .. function:: setMetadata() Set storage metadata Metadata is used to store information about the data being stored in the object. Some example use cases include: - Setting expiry data - Maintaining access counts - localizing session storage - etc. :param string: :param mixed: :param bool: Whether to overwrite or merge array values; by default, merges :rtype: ArrayStorage :throws: Exception\RuntimeException getMetadata +++++++++++ .. function:: getMetadata() Retrieve metadata for the storage object or a specific metadata key Returns false if no metadata stored, or no metadata exists for the given key. :param null|int|string: :rtype: mixed clear +++++ .. function:: clear() Clear the storage object or a subkey of the object :param null|int|string: :rtype: ArrayStorage :throws: Exception\RuntimeException fromArray +++++++++ .. function:: fromArray() Load the storage from another array Overwrites any data that was previously set. :param array: :rtype: ArrayStorage toArray +++++++ .. function:: toArray() Cast the object to an array Returns data only, no metadata. :rtype: array