.. Stdlib/SplPriorityQueue.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Stdlib\\SplPriorityQueue ============================== Serializable version of SplPriorityQueue Also, provides predictable heap order for datums added with the same priority (i.e., they will be emitted in the same order they are enqueued). Methods ------- insert ++++++ .. function:: insert() Insert a value with a given priority Utilizes {@var $serial} to ensure that values of equal priority are emitted in the same order in which they are inserted. :param mixed: :param mixed: :rtype: void toArray +++++++ .. function:: toArray() Serialize to an array Array will be priority => data pairs :rtype: array serialize +++++++++ .. function:: serialize() Serialize :rtype: string unserialize +++++++++++ .. function:: unserialize() Deserialize :param string: :rtype: void