.. Soap/Server.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Soap\\Server ================== Zend_Soap_Server Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor Sets display_errors INI setting to off (prevent client errors due to bad XML in response). Registers {@link handlePhpErrors()} as error handler for E_USER_ERROR. If $wsdl is provided, it is passed on to {@link setWSDL()}; if any options are specified, they are passed on to {@link setOptions()}. :param string: :param array: :throws Exception\ExtensionNotLoadedException: setOptions ++++++++++ .. function:: setOptions() Set Options Allows setting options as an associative array of option => value pairs. :param array|Traversable: :rtype: \Zend\Soap\Server getOptions ++++++++++ .. function:: getOptions() Return array of options suitable for using with SoapServer constructor :rtype: array setEncoding +++++++++++ .. function:: setEncoding() Set encoding :param string: :rtype: Server :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException with invalid encoding argument getEncoding +++++++++++ .. function:: getEncoding() Get encoding :rtype: string setSoapVersion ++++++++++++++ .. function:: setSoapVersion() Set SOAP version :param int: One of the SOAP_1_1 or SOAP_1_2 constants :rtype: Server :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException with invalid soap version argument getSoapVersion ++++++++++++++ .. function:: getSoapVersion() Get SOAP version :rtype: int validateUrn +++++++++++ .. function:: validateUrn() Check for valid URN :param string: :rtype: true :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException on invalid URN setActor ++++++++ .. function:: setActor() Set actor Actor is the actor URI for the server. :param string: :rtype: Server getActor ++++++++ .. function:: getActor() Retrieve actor :rtype: string setUri ++++++ .. function:: setUri() Set URI URI in SoapServer is actually the target namespace, not a URI; $uri must begin with 'urn:'. :param string: :rtype: Server getUri ++++++ .. function:: getUri() Retrieve URI :rtype: string setClassmap +++++++++++ .. function:: setClassmap() Set classmap :param array: :rtype: Server :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException for any invalid class in the class map getClassmap +++++++++++ .. function:: getClassmap() Retrieve classmap :rtype: mixed setWSDL +++++++ .. function:: setWSDL() Set wsdl :param string: URI or path to a WSDL :rtype: Server getWSDL +++++++ .. function:: getWSDL() Retrieve wsdl :rtype: string setSoapFeatures +++++++++++++++ .. function:: setSoapFeatures() Set the SOAP Feature options. :param string|int: :rtype: Server getSoapFeatures +++++++++++++++ .. function:: getSoapFeatures() Return current SOAP Features options :rtype: int setWSDLCache ++++++++++++ .. function:: setWSDLCache() Set the SOAP WSDL Caching Options :param string|int|bool: :rtype: Server getWSDLCache ++++++++++++ .. function:: getWSDLCache() Get current SOAP WSDL Caching option addFunction +++++++++++ .. function:: addFunction() Attach a function as a server method :param array|string: Function name, array of function names to attach, or SOAP_FUNCTIONS_ALL to attach all functions :param string: Ignored :rtype: Server :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException on invalid functions setClass ++++++++ .. function:: setClass() Attach a class to a server Accepts a class name to use when handling requests. Any additional arguments will be passed to that class' constructor when instantiated. See {@link setObject()} to set preconfigured object instances as request handlers. :param string|object: Class name or object instance which executes SOAP Requests at endpoint. :param string: :param $argv: :rtype: Server :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException if called more than once, or if class does not exist setObject +++++++++ .. function:: setObject() Attach an object to a server Accepts an instanciated object to use when handling requests. :param object: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: Server getFunctions ++++++++++++ .. function:: getFunctions() Return a server definition array Returns a list of all functions registered with {@link addFunction()}, merged with all public methods of the class set with {@link setClass()} (if any). :rtype: array loadFunctions +++++++++++++ .. function:: loadFunctions() Unimplemented: Load server definition :param array: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\RuntimeException Unimplemented setPersistence ++++++++++++++ .. function:: setPersistence() Set server persistence :param int: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: Server getPersistence ++++++++++++++ .. function:: getPersistence() Get server persistence :rtype: int _setRequest +++++++++++ .. function:: _setRequest() Set request $request may be any of: - DOMDocument; if so, then cast to XML - DOMNode; if so, then grab owner document and cast to XML - SimpleXMLElement; if so, then cast to XML - stdClass; if so, calls __toString() and verifies XML - string; if so, verifies XML :param DOMDocument|DOMNode|SimpleXMLElement|stdClass|string: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: Server getLastRequest ++++++++++++++ .. function:: getLastRequest() Retrieve request XML :rtype: string setReturnResponse +++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setReturnResponse() Set return response flag If true, {@link handle()} will return the response instead of automatically sending it back to the requesting client. The response is always available via {@link getResponse()}. :param bool: :rtype: Server getReturnResponse +++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getReturnResponse() Retrieve return response flag :rtype: bool getResponse +++++++++++ .. function:: getResponse() Get response XML :rtype: string _getSoap ++++++++ .. function:: _getSoap() Get SoapServer object Uses {@link $wsdl} and return value of {@link getOptions()} to instantiate SoapServer object, and then registers any functions or class with it, as well as persistence. :rtype: \SoapServer handle ++++++ .. function:: handle() Handle a request Instantiates SoapServer object with options set in object, and dispatches its handle() method. $request may be any of: - DOMDocument; if so, then cast to XML - DOMNode; if so, then grab owner document and cast to XML - SimpleXMLElement; if so, then cast to XML - stdClass; if so, calls __toString() and verifies XML - string; if so, verifies XML If no request is passed, pulls request using php:://input (for cross-platform compatibility purposes). :param DOMDocument|DOMNode|SimpleXMLElement|stdClass|string: Optional request :rtype: void|string _initializeSoapErrorContext +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _initializeSoapErrorContext() Method initializes the error context that the SOAPServer environment will run in. :rtype: bool display_errors original value registerFaultException ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: registerFaultException() Register a valid fault exception :param string|array: Exception class or array of exception classes :rtype: Server deregisterFaultException ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: deregisterFaultException() Deregister a fault exception from the fault exception stack :param string: :rtype: bool getFaultExceptions ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getFaultExceptions() Return fault exceptions list :rtype: array fault +++++ .. function:: fault() Generate a server fault Note that the arguments are reverse to those of SoapFault. If an exception is passed as the first argument, its message and code will be used to create the fault object if it has been registered via {@Link registerFaultException()}. :param string|\Exception: :param string: SOAP Fault Codes :rtype: SoapFault handlePhpErrors +++++++++++++++ .. function:: handlePhpErrors() Throw PHP errors as SoapFaults :param int: :param string: :param string: :param int: :param array: :rtype: void :throws: SoapFault