.. Soap/AutoDiscover.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Soap\\AutoDiscover ======================== \Zend\Soap\AutoDiscover Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor :param ComplexTypeStrategy: :param string|Uri\Uri: :param string: :param array: setDiscoveryStrategy ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setDiscoveryStrategy() Set the discovery strategy for method type and other information. :param DiscoveryStrategy: :rtype: AutoDiscover getDiscoveryStrategy ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getDiscoveryStrategy() @return DiscoveryStrategy getClassMap +++++++++++ .. function:: getClassMap() Get the class map of php to wsdl qname types. :rtype: array setClassMap +++++++++++ .. function:: setClassMap() Set the class map of php to wsdl qname types. setServiceName ++++++++++++++ .. function:: setServiceName() Set service name :param string: :rtype: AutoDiscover getServiceName ++++++++++++++ .. function:: getServiceName() Get service name :rtype: string :throws: Exception\RuntimeException setUri ++++++ .. function:: setUri() Set the location at which the WSDL file will be available. :param Uri\Uri|string: :rtype: AutoDiscover :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException getUri ++++++ .. function:: getUri() Return the current Uri that the SOAP WSDL Service will be located at. :rtype: Uri\Uri :throws: Exception\RuntimeException setWsdlClass ++++++++++++ .. function:: setWsdlClass() Set the name of the WSDL handling class. :param string: :rtype: AutoDiscover :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException getWsdlClass ++++++++++++ .. function:: getWsdlClass() Return the name of the WSDL handling class. :rtype: string setOperationBodyStyle +++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setOperationBodyStyle() Set options for all the binding operations soap:body elements. By default the options are set to 'use' => 'encoded' and 'encodingStyle' => "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/". :param array: :rtype: AutoDiscover :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException setBindingStyle +++++++++++++++ .. function:: setBindingStyle() Set Binding soap:binding style. By default 'style' is 'rpc' and 'transport' is 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http'. :param array: :rtype: AutoDiscover setComplexTypeStrategy ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setComplexTypeStrategy() Set the strategy that handles functions and classes that are added AFTER this call. :param ComplexTypeStrategy: :rtype: AutoDiscover setClass ++++++++ .. function:: setClass() Set the Class the SOAP server will use :param string: Class Name :rtype: AutoDiscover addFunction +++++++++++ .. function:: addFunction() Add a Single or Multiple Functions to the WSDL :param string: Function Name :rtype: AutoDiscover _generateClass ++++++++++++++ .. function:: _generateClass() Generate the WSDL for a service class. :rtype: Wsdl _generateFunctions ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _generateFunctions() Generate the WSDL for a set of functions. :rtype: Wsdl _generateWsdl +++++++++++++ .. function:: _generateWsdl() Generate the WSDL for a set of reflection method instances. :param array: :rtype: Wsdl _addFunctionToWsdl ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _addFunctionToWsdl() Add a function to the WSDL document. :param $function: function to add :param $wsdl: WSDL document :param $port: wsdl:portType :param $binding: wsdl:binding :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: void generate ++++++++ .. function:: generate() Generate the WSDL file from the configured input. :rtype: Wsdl dump ++++ .. function:: dump() Proxy to WSDL dump function :param string: :rtype: bool :throws: \Zend\Soap\Exception\RuntimeException toXml +++++ .. function:: toXml() Proxy to WSDL toXml() function :rtype: string :throws: \Zend\Soap\Exception\RuntimeException handle ++++++ .. function:: handle() Handle WSDL document.