.. Ldap/Node/Schema/AbstractItem.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Ldap\\Node\\Schema\\AbstractItem ====================================== This class provides a base implementation for managing schema items like objectClass and attributeType. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor. :param array: setData +++++++ .. function:: setData() Sets the data :param array: :rtype: AbstractItem Provides a fluid interface getData +++++++ .. function:: getData() Gets the data :rtype: array __get +++++ .. function:: __get() Gets a specific attribute from this item :param string: :rtype: mixed __isset +++++++ .. function:: __isset() Checks whether a specific attribute exists. :param string: :rtype: bool offsetSet +++++++++ .. function:: offsetSet() Always throws Zend\Ldap\Exception\BadMethodCallException Implements ArrayAccess. This method is needed for a full implementation of ArrayAccess :param string: :param mixed: :throws \Zend\Ldap\Exception\BadMethodCallException: offsetGet +++++++++ .. function:: offsetGet() Gets a specific attribute from this item :param string: :rtype: mixed offsetUnset +++++++++++ .. function:: offsetUnset() Always throws Zend\Ldap\Exception\BadMethodCallException Implements ArrayAccess. This method is needed for a full implementation of ArrayAccess :param string: :throws \Zend\Ldap\Exception\BadMethodCallException: offsetExists ++++++++++++ .. function:: offsetExists() Checks whether a specific attribute exists. :param string: :rtype: bool count +++++ .. function:: count() Returns the number of attributes. Implements Countable :rtype: int