.. Mvc/Router/RoutePluginManager.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mvc\\Router\\RoutePluginManager ===================================== Plugin manager implementation for routes Enforces that routes retrieved are instances of RouteInterface. It overrides createFromInvokable() to call the route's factory method in order to get an instance. The manager is marked to not share by default, in order to allow multiple route instances of the same type. Methods ------- validatePlugin ++++++++++++++ .. function:: validatePlugin() Validate the plugin Checks that the filter loaded is either a valid callback or an instance of FilterInterface. :param mixed: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\RuntimeException if invalid createFromInvokable +++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: createFromInvokable() Attempt to create an instance via an invokable class Overrides parent implementation by invoking the route factory, passing $creationOptions as the argument. :param string: :param string: :rtype: null|\stdClass :throws: Exception\RuntimeException If resolved class does not exist, or does not implement RouteInterface