.. View/Renderer/ConsoleRenderer.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\View\\Renderer\\ConsoleRenderer ===================================== Abstract class for Zend_View to help enforce private constructs. Note: all private variables in this class are prefixed with "__". This is to mark them as part of the internal implementation, and thus prevent conflict with variables injected into the renderer. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor. :param array: Configuration key-value pairs. setResolver +++++++++++ .. function:: setResolver() getEngine +++++++++ .. function:: getEngine() Return the template engine object Returns the object instance, as it is its own template engine :rtype: PhpRenderer init ++++ .. function:: init() Allow custom object initialization when extending Zend_View_Abstract or Zend_View Triggered by {@link __construct() the constructor} as its final action. :rtype: void setFilterChain ++++++++++++++ .. function:: setFilterChain() Set filter chain :param FilterChain: :rtype: ConsoleRenderer getFilterChain ++++++++++++++ .. function:: getFilterChain() Retrieve filter chain for post-filtering script content :rtype: FilterChain render ++++++ .. function:: render() Recursively processes all ViewModels and returns output. :param string|ModelInterface: A ViewModel instance. :param null|array|\Traversable: Values to use when rendering. If none provided, uses those in the composed variables container. :rtype: string Console output. canRenderTrees ++++++++++++++ .. function:: canRenderTrees() @see Zend\View\Renderer\TreeRendererInterface :rtype: bool