.. Feed/Reader/FeedSet.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Feed\\Reader\\FeedSet =========================== Methods ------- addLinks ++++++++ .. function:: addLinks() Import a DOMNodeList from any document containing a set of links for alternate versions of a document, which will normally refer to RSS/RDF/Atom feeds for the current document. All such links are stored internally, however the first instance of each RSS, RDF or Atom type has its URI stored as a public property as a shortcut where the use case is simply to get a quick feed ref. Note that feeds are not loaded at this point, but will be lazy loaded automatically when each links 'feed' array key is accessed. :param DOMNodeList: :param string: :rtype: void absolutiseUri +++++++++++++ .. function:: absolutiseUri() Attempt to turn a relative URI into an absolute URI canonicalizePath ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: canonicalizePath() Canonicalize relative path offsetGet +++++++++ .. function:: offsetGet() Supports lazy loading of feeds using Reader::import() but delegates any other operations to the parent class. :param string: :rtype: mixed