.. Mail/Protocol/AbstractProtocol.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Mail\\Protocol\\AbstractProtocol ====================================== Provides low-level methods for concrete adapters to communicate with a remote mail server and track requests and responses. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor. :param string: OPTIONAL Hostname of remote connection (default: :param integer: OPTIONAL Port number (default: null) :throws Exception\RuntimeException: __destruct ++++++++++ .. function:: __destruct() Class destructor to cleanup open resources setMaximumLog +++++++++++++ .. function:: setMaximumLog() Set the maximum log size :param integer: Maximum log size getMaximumLog +++++++++++++ .. function:: getMaximumLog() Get the maximum log size :rtype: int the maximum log size connect +++++++ .. function:: connect() Create a connection to the remote host Concrete adapters for this class will implement their own unique connect scripts, using the _connect() method to create the socket resource. getRequest ++++++++++ .. function:: getRequest() Retrieve the last client request :rtype: string getResponse +++++++++++ .. function:: getResponse() Retrieve the last server response :rtype: array getLog ++++++ .. function:: getLog() Retrieve the transaction log :rtype: string resetLog ++++++++ .. function:: resetLog() Reset the transaction log _addLog +++++++ .. function:: _addLog() Add the transaction log :param string: new transaction _connect ++++++++ .. function:: _connect() Connect to the server using the supplied transport and target An example $remote string may be 'tcp://mail.example.com:25' or 'ssh://hostname.com:2222' :param string: Remote :throws Exception\RuntimeException: :rtype: bool _disconnect +++++++++++ .. function:: _disconnect() Disconnect from remote host and free resource _send +++++ .. function:: _send() Send the given request followed by a LINEEND to the server. :param string: :throws Exception\RuntimeException: :rtype: integer|bool Number of bytes written to remote host _receive ++++++++ .. function:: _receive() Get a line from the stream. :param integer: Per-request timeout value if applicable :throws Exception\RuntimeException: :rtype: string _expect +++++++ .. function:: _expect() Parse server response for successful codes Read the response from the stream and check for expected return code. Throws a Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception if an unexpected code is returned. :param string|array: One or more codes that indicate a successful response :param integer: Per-request timeout value if applicable :throws Exception\RuntimeException: :rtype: string Last line of response string Constants --------- EOL +++ Mail default EOL string TIMEOUT_CONNECTION ++++++++++++++++++ Default timeout in seconds for initiating session