.. ProgressBar/ProgressBar.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\ProgressBar\\ProgressBar ============================== Zend_ProgressBar offers an interface for multiple environments. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Create a new progressbar backend. :param Adapter\AbstractAdapter: :param float|int: :param float|int: :param string|null: :throws Exception\OutOfRangeException: When $min is greater than $max getAdapter ++++++++++ .. function:: getAdapter() Get the current adapter :rtype: Adapter\AbstractAdapter update ++++++ .. function:: update() Update the progressbar :param float: :param string: :rtype: void next ++++ .. function:: next() Update the progressbar to the next value :param int: :param string: :rtype: void finish ++++++ .. function:: finish() Call the adapters finish() behaviour :rtype: void