.. I18n/Translator/Plural/Rule.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\I18n\\Translator\\Plural\\Rule ==================================== Plural rule evaluator. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Create a new plural rule. :param integer: :param array: :rtype: Rule evaluate ++++++++ .. function:: evaluate() Evaluate a number and return the plural index. :param integer: :rtype: integer :throws: Exception\RangeException evaluateAstPart +++++++++++++++ .. function:: evaluateAstPart() Evaluate a part of an ast. :param array: :param integer: :rtype: integer :throws: Exception\ParseException fromString ++++++++++ .. function:: fromString() Create a new rule from a string. :param string: :throws Exception\ParseException: :rtype: Rule createAst +++++++++ .. function:: createAst() Create an AST from a tree. Theoretically we could just use the given Symbol, but that one is not so easy to serialize and also takes up more memory. :param Symbol: :rtype: array