.. Mvc/Controller/Plugin/PostRedirectGet.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\PostRedirectGet ============================================== Plugin to help facilitate Post/Redirect/Get (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post/Redirect/Get) Methods ------- __invoke ++++++++ .. function:: __invoke() Perform PRG logic If a null value is present for the $redirect, the current route is retrieved and use to generate the URL for redirect. If the request method is POST, creates a session container set to expire after 1 hop containing the values of the POST. It then redirects to the specified URL using a status 303. If the request method is GET, checks to see if we have values in the session container, and, if so, returns them; otherwise, it returns a boolean false. :param null|string: :param bool: :rtype: \Zend\Http\Response|array|Traversable|false getSessionContainer +++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getSessionContainer() @return Container setSessionContainer +++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setSessionContainer() @param Container $container :rtype: PostRedirectGet redirect ++++++++ .. function:: redirect() TODO: Good candidate for traits method in PHP 5.4 with FilePostRedirectGet plugin :param string: :param boolean: :rtype: Response :throws: \Zend\Mvc\Exception\RuntimeException