.. Mvc/Controller/Plugin/Params.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\Plugin\\Params ===================================== Methods ------- __invoke ++++++++ .. function:: __invoke() Grabs a param from route match by default. :param string: :param mixed: :rtype: mixed fromFiles +++++++++ .. function:: fromFiles() Return all files or a single file. :param string: File name to retrieve, or null to get all. :param mixed: Default value to use when the file is missing. :rtype: array|\ArrayAccess|null fromHeader ++++++++++ .. function:: fromHeader() Return all header parameters or a single header parameter. :param string: Header name to retrieve, or null to get all. :param mixed: Default value to use when the requested header is missing. :rtype: null|\Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface fromPost ++++++++ .. function:: fromPost() Return all post parameters or a single post parameter. :param string: Parameter name to retrieve, or null to get all. :param mixed: Default value to use when the parameter is missing. :rtype: mixed fromQuery +++++++++ .. function:: fromQuery() Return all query parameters or a single query parameter. :param string: Parameter name to retrieve, or null to get all. :param mixed: Default value to use when the parameter is missing. :rtype: mixed fromRoute +++++++++ .. function:: fromRoute() Return all route parameters or a single route parameter. :param string: Parameter name to retrieve, or null to get all. :param mixed: Default value to use when the parameter is missing. :rtype: mixed :throws: RuntimeException