.. Http/PhpEnvironment/Request.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Http\\PhpEnvironment\\Request =================================== HTTP Request for current PHP environment Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Construct Instantiates request. getContent ++++++++++ .. function:: getContent() Get raw request body :rtype: string setCookies ++++++++++ .. function:: setCookies() Set cookies Instantiate and set cookies. :param $cookie: :rtype: Request setRequestUri +++++++++++++ .. function:: setRequestUri() Set the request URI. :param string: :rtype: self getRequestUri +++++++++++++ .. function:: getRequestUri() Get the request URI. :rtype: string setBaseUrl ++++++++++ .. function:: setBaseUrl() Set the base URL. :param string: :rtype: self getBaseUrl ++++++++++ .. function:: getBaseUrl() Get the base URL. :rtype: string setBasePath +++++++++++ .. function:: setBasePath() Set the base path. :param string: :rtype: self getBasePath +++++++++++ .. function:: getBasePath() Get the base path. :rtype: string setServer +++++++++ .. function:: setServer() Provide an alternate Parameter Container implementation for server parameters in this object, (this is NOT the primary API for value setting, for that see getServer()) :param ParametersInterface: :rtype: Request getServer +++++++++ .. function:: getServer() Return the parameter container responsible for server parameters or a single parameter value. :param string|null: Parameter name to retrieve, or null to get the whole container. :param mixed|null: Default value to use when the parameter is missing. :see : :rtype: \Zend\Stdlib\ParametersInterface|mixed setEnv ++++++ .. function:: setEnv() Provide an alternate Parameter Container implementation for env parameters in this object, (this is NOT the primary API for value setting, for that see env()) :param ParametersInterface: :rtype: Request getEnv ++++++ .. function:: getEnv() Return the parameter container responsible for env parameters or a single parameter value. :param string|null: Parameter name to retrieve, or null to get the whole container. :param mixed|null: Default value to use when the parameter is missing. * @return \Zend\Stdlib\ParametersInterface :rtype: \Zend\Stdlib\ParametersInterface|mixed mapPhpFiles +++++++++++ .. function:: mapPhpFiles() Convert PHP superglobal $_FILES into more sane parameter=value structure This handles form file input with brackets (name=files[]) :rtype: array mapPhpFileParam +++++++++++++++ .. function:: mapPhpFileParam() @param array $array :param string: :param int|string: :param string|array: detectRequestUri ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: detectRequestUri() Detect the base URI for the request Looks at a variety of criteria in order to attempt to autodetect a base URI, including rewrite URIs, proxy URIs, etc. :rtype: string detectBaseUrl +++++++++++++ .. function:: detectBaseUrl() Auto-detect the base path from the request environment Uses a variety of criteria in order to detect the base URL of the request (i.e., anything additional to the document root). The base URL includes the schema, host, and port, in addition to the path. :rtype: string detectBasePath ++++++++++++++ .. function:: detectBasePath() Autodetect the base path of the request Uses several criteria to determine the base path of the request. :rtype: string