.. View/Helper/Navigation/Menu.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\View\\Helper\\Navigation\\Menu ==================================== Helper for rendering menus from navigation containers Methods ------- __invoke ++++++++ .. function:: __invoke() View helper entry point: Retrieves helper and optionally sets container to operate on :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to operate on :rtype: Menu fluent interface, returns self setUlClass ++++++++++ .. function:: setUlClass() Sets CSS class to use for the first 'ul' element when rendering :param string: CSS class to set :rtype: Menu fluent interface, returns self getUlClass ++++++++++ .. function:: getUlClass() Returns CSS class to use for the first 'ul' element when rendering :rtype: string CSS class setOnlyActiveBranch +++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setOnlyActiveBranch() Sets a flag indicating whether only active branch should be rendered :param bool: [optional] render only active branch. Default is true. :rtype: Menu fluent interface, returns self getOnlyActiveBranch +++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getOnlyActiveBranch() Returns a flag indicating whether only active branch should be rendered By default, this value is false, meaning the entire menu will be be rendered. :rtype: bool whether only active branch should be rendered escapeLabels ++++++++++++ .. function:: escapeLabels() Sets a flag indicating whether labels should be escaped :param bool: [optional] escape labels. Default is true. :rtype: Menu fluent interface, returns self setRenderParents ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setRenderParents() Enables/disables rendering of parents when only rendering active branch See {@link setOnlyActiveBranch()} for more information. :param bool: [optional] render parents when rendering active branch. Default is true. :rtype: Menu fluent interface, returns self getRenderParents ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getRenderParents() Returns flag indicating whether parents should be rendered when rendering only the active branch By default, this value is true. :rtype: bool whether parents should be rendered setPartial ++++++++++ .. function:: setPartial() Sets which partial view script to use for rendering menu :param string|array: partial view script or null. If an array is given, it is expected to contain two values; the partial view script to use, and the module where the script can be found. :rtype: Menu fluent interface, returns self getPartial ++++++++++ .. function:: getPartial() Returns partial view script to use for rendering menu :rtype: string|array|null htmlify +++++++ .. function:: htmlify() Returns an HTML string containing an 'a' element for the given page if the page's href is not empty, and a 'span' element if it is empty Overrides {@link AbstractHelper::htmlify()}. :param AbstractPage: page to generate HTML for :param bool: Whether or not to escape the label :rtype: string HTML string for the given page normalizeOptions ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: normalizeOptions() Normalizes given render options :param array: [optional] options to normalize :rtype: array normalized options renderDeepestMenu +++++++++++++++++ .. function:: renderDeepestMenu() Renders the deepest active menu within [$minDepth, $maxDepth], (called from {@link renderMenu()}) :param AbstractContainer: container to render :param string: CSS class for first UL :param string: initial indentation :param int|null: minimum depth :param int|null: maximum depth :param bool: Whether or not to escape the labels :rtype: string rendered menu renderNormalMenu ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: renderNormalMenu() Renders a normal menu (called from {@link renderMenu()}) :param AbstractContainer: container to render :param string: CSS class for first UL :param string: initial indentation :param int|null: minimum depth :param int|null: maximum depth :param bool: render only active branch? :param bool: Whether or not to escape the labels :rtype: string renderMenu ++++++++++ .. function:: renderMenu() Renders helper Renders a HTML 'ul' for the given $container. If $container is not given, the container registered in the helper will be used. Available $options: :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to create menu from. Default is to use the container retrieved from {@link getContainer()}. :param array: [optional] options for controlling rendering :rtype: string rendered menu renderSubMenu +++++++++++++ .. function:: renderSubMenu() Renders the inner-most sub menu for the active page in the $container This is a convenience method which is equivalent to the following call: renderMenu($container, array( 'indent' => $indent, 'ulClass' => $ulClass, 'minDepth' => null, 'maxDepth' => null, 'onlyActiveBranch' => true, 'renderParents' => false )); :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to render. Default is to render the container registered in the helper. :param string: [optional] CSS class to use for UL element. Default is to use the value from {@link getUlClass()}. :param string|int: [optional] indentation as a string or number of spaces. Default is to use the value retrieved from {@link getIndent()}. :rtype: string rendered content renderPartial +++++++++++++ .. function:: renderPartial() Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper The container will simply be passed on as a model to the view script as-is, and will be available in the partial script as 'container', e.g. echo 'Number of pages: ', count($this->container);. :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to pass to view script. Default is to use the container registered in the helper. :param string|array: [optional] partial view script to use. Default is to use the partial registered in the helper. If an array is given, it is expected to contain two values; the partial view script to use, and the module where the script can be found. :rtype: string helper output :throws: Exception\RuntimeException if no partial provided :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException if partial is invalid array render ++++++ .. function:: render() Renders menu Implements {@link HelperInterface::render()}. If a partial view is registered in the helper, the menu will be rendered using the given partial script. If no partial is registered, the menu will be rendered as an 'ul' element by the helper's internal method. :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to render. Default is to render the container registered in the helper. :rtype: string helper output