.. View/Helper/Navigation/Breadcrumbs.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\View\\Helper\\Navigation\\Breadcrumbs =========================================== Helper for printing breadcrumbs Methods ------- __invoke ++++++++ .. function:: __invoke() Helper entry point :param string|AbstractContainer: container to operate on :rtype: Breadcrumbs setSeparator ++++++++++++ .. function:: setSeparator() Sets breadcrumb separator :param string: separator string :rtype: Breadcrumbs fluent interface, returns self getSeparator ++++++++++++ .. function:: getSeparator() Returns breadcrumb separator :rtype: string breadcrumb separator setLinkLast +++++++++++ .. function:: setLinkLast() Sets whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked :param bool: whether last page should be hyperlinked :rtype: Breadcrumbs fluent interface, returns self getLinkLast +++++++++++ .. function:: getLinkLast() Returns whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked :rtype: bool whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked setPartial ++++++++++ .. function:: setPartial() Sets which partial view script to use for rendering menu :param string|array: partial view script or null. If an array is given, it is expected to contain two values; the partial view script to use, and the module where the script can be found. :rtype: Breadcrumbs fluent interface, returns self getPartial ++++++++++ .. function:: getPartial() Returns partial view script to use for rendering menu :rtype: string|array|null renderStraight ++++++++++++++ .. function:: renderStraight() Renders breadcrumbs by chaining 'a' elements with the separator registered in the helper :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to render. Default is to render the container registered in the helper. :rtype: string helper output renderPartial +++++++++++++ .. function:: renderPartial() Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper The container will simply be passed on as a model to the view script, so in the script it will be available in $this->container. :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to pass to view script. Default is to use the container registered in the helper. :param string|array: [optional] partial view script to use. Default is to use the partial registered in the helper. If an array is given, it is expected to contain two values; the partial view script to use, and the module where the script can be found. :rtype: string helper output :throws: Exception\RuntimeException if no partial provided :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException if partial is invalid array render ++++++ .. function:: render() Renders helper Implements {@link HelperInterface::render()}. :param AbstractContainer: [optional] container to render. Default is to render the container registered in the helper. :rtype: string helper output