.. Mime/Decode.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mime\\Decode ================== Methods ------- splitMime +++++++++ .. function:: splitMime() Explode MIME multipart string into separate parts Parts consist of the header and the body of each MIME part. :param string: raw body of message :param string: boundary as found in content-type :rtype: array parts with content of each part, empty if no parts found :throws: Exception\RuntimeException splitMessageStruct ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: splitMessageStruct() decodes a mime encoded String and returns a struct of parts with header and body :param string: raw message content :param string: boundary as found in content-type :param string: EOL string; defaults to {@link Zend_Mime::LINEEND} :rtype: array|null parts as array('header' => array(name => value), 'body' => content), null if no parts found :throws: Exception\RuntimeException splitMessage ++++++++++++ .. function:: splitMessage() split a message in header and body part, if no header or an invalid header is found $headers is empty The charset of the returned headers depend on your iconv settings. :param string|Headers: raw message with header and optional content :param Headers: output param, headers container :param string: output param, content of message :param string: EOL string; defaults to {@link Zend_Mime::LINEEND} :param bool: enable strict mode for parsing message :rtype: null splitContentType ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: splitContentType() split a content type in its different parts :param string: content-type :param string: the wanted part, else an array with all parts is returned :rtype: string|array wanted part or all parts as array('type' => content-type, partname => value) splitHeaderField ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: splitHeaderField() split a header field like content type in its different parts :param string: header field :param string: the wanted part, else an array with all parts is returned :param string: key name for the first part :rtype: string|array wanted part or all parts as array($firstName => firstPart, partname => value) :throws: Exception\RuntimeException decodeQuotedPrintable +++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: decodeQuotedPrintable() decode a quoted printable encoded string The charset of the returned string depends on your iconv settings. :param string: encoded string :rtype: string decoded string