.. Mail/AddressList.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Mail\\AddressList ======================= Methods ------- add +++ .. function:: add() Add an address to the list :param string|Address\AddressInterface: :param null|string: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: AddressList addMany +++++++ .. function:: addMany() Add many addresses at once If an email key is provided, it will be used as the email, and the value as the name. Otherwise, the value is passed as the sole argument to add(), and, as such, can be either email strings or Address\AddressInterface objects. :param array: :throws Exception\RuntimeException: :rtype: AddressList merge +++++ .. function:: merge() Merge another address list into this one :param AddressList: :rtype: AddressList has +++ .. function:: has() Does the email exist in this list? :param string: :rtype: bool get +++ .. function:: get() Get an address by email :param string: :rtype: bool|Address\AddressInterface delete ++++++ .. function:: delete() Delete an address from the list :param string: :rtype: bool count +++++ .. function:: count() Return count of addresses :rtype: int rewind ++++++ .. function:: rewind() Rewind iterator :rtype: mixed the value of the first addresses element, or false if the addresses is empty. :see: current +++++++ .. function:: current() Return current item in iteration :rtype: Address key +++ .. function:: key() Return key of current item of iteration :rtype: string next ++++ .. function:: next() Move to next item :rtype: mixed the addresses value in the next place that's pointed to by the internal array pointer, or false if there are no more elements. :see: valid +++++ .. function:: valid() Is the current item of iteration valid? :rtype: bool createAddress +++++++++++++ .. function:: createAddress() Create an address object :param string: :param string|null: :rtype: Address