.. ModuleManager/Listener/LocatorRegistrationListener.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\ModuleManager\\Listener\\LocatorRegistrationListener ========================================================== Locator registration listener Methods ------- onLoadModule ++++++++++++ .. function:: onLoadModule() loadModule Check each loaded module to see if it implements LocatorRegistered. If it does, we add it to an internal array for later. :param ModuleEvent: :rtype: void onLoadModules +++++++++++++ .. function:: onLoadModules() loadModules Once all the modules are loaded, loop :param Event: :rtype: void onBootstrap +++++++++++ .. function:: onBootstrap() Bootstrap listener This is ran during the MVC bootstrap event because it requires access to the DI container. :param Event: :rtype: void attach ++++++ .. function:: attach() Attach one or more listeners :param EventManagerInterface: :rtype: LocatorRegistrationListener detach ++++++ .. function:: detach() Detach all previously attached listeners :param EventManagerInterface: :rtype: void