.. Mvc/View/Http/InjectTemplateListener.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mvc\\View\\Http\\InjectTemplateListener ============================================= Methods ------- attach ++++++ .. function:: attach() Attach listeners :param Events: :rtype: void detach ++++++ .. function:: detach() Detach listeners :param Events: :rtype: void injectTemplate ++++++++++++++ .. function:: injectTemplate() Inject a template into the view model, if none present Template is derived from the controller found in the route match, and, optionally, the action, if present. :param MvcEvent: :rtype: void inflectName +++++++++++ .. function:: inflectName() Inflect a name to a normalized value :param string: :rtype: string deriveModuleNamespace +++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: deriveModuleNamespace() Determine the top-level namespace of the controller :param string: :rtype: string deriveControllerSubNamespace ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: deriveControllerSubNamespace() @param $namespace :rtype: string deriveControllerClass +++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: deriveControllerClass() Determine the name of the controller Strip the namespace, and the suffix "Controller" if present. :param string: :rtype: string