.. Http/Cookies.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Http\\Cookies =================== A Zend_Http_CookieJar object is designed to contain and maintain HTTP cookies, and should be used along with Zend_Http_Client in order to manage cookies across HTTP requests and responses. The class contains an array of Zend\Http\Header\Cookie objects. Cookies can be added automatically from a request or manually. Then, the Cookies class can find and return the cookies needed for a specific HTTP request. A special parameter can be passed to all methods of this class that return cookies: Cookies can be returned either in their native form (as Zend\Http\Header\Cookie objects) or as strings - the later is suitable for sending as the value of the "Cookie" header in an HTTP request. You can also choose, when returning more than one cookie, whether to get an array of strings (by passing Zend\Http\Client\Cookies::COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY) or one unified string for all cookies (by passing Zend\Http\Client\Cookies::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT). Methods ------- fromString ++++++++++ .. function:: fromString() @static :param $string: :rtype: void addCookie +++++++++ .. function:: addCookie() Add a cookie to the class. Cookie should be passed either as a Zend\Http\Header\Cookie object or as a string - in which case an object is created from the string. :param SetCookie|string: :param Uri\Uri|string: Optional reference URI (for domain, path, secure) :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: addCookiesFromResponse ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: addCookiesFromResponse() Parse an HTTP response, adding all the cookies set in that response :param Response: :param Uri\Uri|string: Requested URI getAllCookies +++++++++++++ .. function:: getAllCookies() Get all cookies in the cookie jar as an array :param int: Whether to return cookies as objects of \Zend\Http\Header\SetCookie or as strings :rtype: array|string getMatchingCookies ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getMatchingCookies() Return an array of all cookies matching a specific request according to the request URI, whether session cookies should be sent or not, and the time to consider as "now" when checking cookie expiry time. :param string|Uri\Uri: URI to check against (secure, domain, path) :param bool: Whether to send session cookies :param int: Whether to return cookies as objects of \Zend\Http\Header\Cookie or as strings :param int: Override the current time when checking for expiry time :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: if invalid URI specified :rtype: array|string getCookie +++++++++ .. function:: getCookie() Get a specific cookie according to a URI and name :param Uri\Uri|string: The uri (domain and path) to match :param string: The cookie's name :param int: Whether to return cookies as objects of \Zend\Http\Header\SetCookie or as strings :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: if invalid URI specified or invalid $retAs value :rtype: SetCookie|string _flattenCookiesArray ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _flattenCookiesArray() Helper function to recursively flatten an array. Should be used when exporting the cookies array (or parts of it) :param \Zend\Http\Header\SetCookie|array: :param int: What value to return :rtype: array|string _matchDomain ++++++++++++ .. function:: _matchDomain() Return a subset of the cookies array matching a specific domain :param string: :rtype: array _matchPath ++++++++++ .. function:: _matchPath() Return a subset of a domain-matching cookies that also match a specified path :param array: :param string: :rtype: array fromResponse ++++++++++++ .. function:: fromResponse() Create a new Cookies object and automatically load into it all the cookies set in an Http_Response object. If $uri is set, it will be considered as the requested URI for setting default domain and path of the cookie. :param Response: HTTP Response object :param Uri\Uri|string: The requested URI :rtype: Cookies :todo: isEmpty +++++++ .. function:: isEmpty() Tells if the array of cookies is empty :rtype: bool reset +++++ .. function:: reset() Empties the cookieJar of any cookie :rtype: Cookies Constants --------- COOKIE_OBJECT +++++++++++++ Return cookie(s) as a Zend_Http_Cookie object COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY +++++++++++++++++++ Return cookie(s) as a string (suitable for sending in an HTTP request) COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT ++++++++++++++++++++ Return all cookies as one long string (suitable for sending in an HTTP request) COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT_STRICT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Return all cookies as one long string (strict mode) - Single space after the semi-colon separating each cookie - Remove trailing semi-colon, if any