.. Http/AbstractMessage.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Http\\AbstractMessage =========================== HTTP standard message (Request/Response) Methods ------- setVersion ++++++++++ .. function:: setVersion() Set the HTTP version for this object, one of 1.0 or 1.1 (AbstractMessage::VERSION_10, AbstractMessage::VERSION_11) :param string: (Must be 1.0 or 1.1) :rtype: AbstractMessage :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException getVersion ++++++++++ .. function:: getVersion() Return the HTTP version for this request :rtype: string setHeaders ++++++++++ .. function:: setHeaders() Provide an alternate Parameter Container implementation for headers in this object, (this is NOT the primary API for value setting, for that see getHeaders()) :param Headers: :rtype: AbstractMessage getHeaders ++++++++++ .. function:: getHeaders() Return the header container responsible for headers :rtype: Headers __toString ++++++++++ .. function:: __toString() Allow PHP casting of this object :rtype: string Constants --------- VERSION_10 ++++++++++ VERSION_11 ++++++++++