.. View/Helper/HeadStyle.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\View\\Helper\\HeadStyle ============================= Helper for setting and retrieving stylesheets Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor Set separator to PHP_EOL. __invoke ++++++++ .. function:: __invoke() Return headStyle object Returns headStyle helper object; optionally, allows specifying :param string: Stylesheet contents :param string: Append, prepend, or set :param string|array: Optional attributes to utilize :rtype: \Zend\View\Helper\HeadStyle __call ++++++ .. function:: __call() Overload method calls Allows the following method calls: - appendStyle($content, $attributes = array()) - offsetSetStyle($index, $content, $attributes = array()) - prependStyle($content, $attributes = array()) - setStyle($content, $attributes = array()) :param string: :param array: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\BadMethodCallException When no $content provided or invalid method isValid +++++++ .. function:: isValid() Determine if a value is a valid style tag :param mixed: :rtype: bool append ++++++ .. function:: append() Override append to enforce style creation :param mixed: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException offsetSet +++++++++ .. function:: offsetSet() Override offsetSet to enforce style creation :param string|int: :param mixed: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException prepend +++++++ .. function:: prepend() Override prepend to enforce style creation :param mixed: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException set +++ .. function:: set() Override set to enforce style creation :param mixed: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException captureStart ++++++++++++ .. function:: captureStart() Start capture action :param string: :param string: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\RuntimeException captureEnd ++++++++++ .. function:: captureEnd() End capture action and store :rtype: void itemToString ++++++++++++ .. function:: itemToString() Convert content and attributes into valid style tag :param stdClass: Item to render :param string: Indentation to use :rtype: string toString ++++++++ .. function:: toString() Create string representation of placeholder :param string|int: :rtype: string createData ++++++++++ .. function:: createData() Create data item for use in stack :param string: :param array: :rtype: stdClass