.. View/Helper/DeclareVars.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\View\\Helper\\DeclareVars =============================== Helper for declaring default values of template variables Methods ------- __invoke ++++++++ .. function:: __invoke() Declare template vars to set default values and avoid notices when using strictVars Primarily for use when using {@link Zend_View_Abstract::strictVars() Zend_View strictVars()}, this helper can be used to declare template variables that may or may not already be set in the view object, as well as to set default values. Arrays passed as arguments to the method will be used to set default values; otherwise, if the variable does not exist, it is set to an empty string. Usage: $this->declareVars( 'varName1', 'varName2', array('varName3' => 'defaultValue', 'varName4' => array() ) ); :param string|array: number of arguments, all string names of variables to test :rtype: void declareVar ++++++++++ .. function:: declareVar() Set a view variable Checks to see if a $key is set in the view object; if not, sets it to $value. :param string: :param string: Defaults to an empty string :rtype: void