.. Http/Header/AbstractLocation.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Http\\Header\\AbstractLocation ==================================== Abstract Location Header Supports headers that have URI as value Methods ------- fromString ++++++++++ .. function:: fromString() Create location-based header from string :param string: :rtype: AbstractLocation :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException setUri ++++++ .. function:: setUri() Set the URI/URL for this header, this can be a string or an instance of Zend\Uri\Http :param string|UriInterface: :rtype: AbstractLocation :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException getUri ++++++ .. function:: getUri() Return the URI for this header :rtype: string uri +++ .. function:: uri() Return the URI for this header as an instance of Zend\Uri\Http :rtype: UriInterface getFieldValue +++++++++++++ .. function:: getFieldValue() Get header value as URI string :rtype: string toString ++++++++ .. function:: toString() Output header line :rtype: string __toString ++++++++++ .. function:: __toString() Allow casting to string :rtype: string