.. Filter/File/Decrypt.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Filter\\File\\Decrypt =========================== Decrypts a given file and stores the decrypted file content Methods ------- getFilename +++++++++++ .. function:: getFilename() Returns the new filename where the content will be stored :rtype: string setFilename +++++++++++ .. function:: setFilename() Sets the new filename where the content will be stored :param string: (Optional) New filename to set :rtype: Decrypt filter ++++++ .. function:: filter() Defined by Zend\Filter\FilterInterface Decrypts the file $value with the defined settings :param string|array: Full path of file to change or $_FILES data array :rtype: string|array The filename which has been set :throws: Exception\InvalidArgumentException :throws: Exception\RuntimeException