.. EventManager/ResponseCollection.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\EventManager\\ResponseCollection ====================================== Collection of signal handler return values Methods ------- stopped +++++++ .. function:: stopped() Did the last response provided trigger a short circuit of the stack? :rtype: bool setStopped ++++++++++ .. function:: setStopped() Mark the collection as stopped (or its opposite) :param bool: :rtype: ResponseCollection first +++++ .. function:: first() Convenient access to the first handler return value. :rtype: mixed The first handler return value last ++++ .. function:: last() Convenient access to the last handler return value. If the collection is empty, returns null. Otherwise, returns value returned by last handler. :rtype: mixed The last handler return value contains ++++++++ .. function:: contains() Check if any of the responses match the given value. :param mixed: The value to look for among responses :rtype: bool