.. Mvc/Controller/PluginManager.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\PluginManager ==================================== Plugin manager implementation for controllers Registers a number of default plugins, and contains an initializer for injecting plugins with the current controller. Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor After invoking parent constructor, add an initializer to inject the attached controller, if any, to the currently requested plugin. :param null|ConfigInterface: get +++ .. function:: get() Retrieve a registered instance After the plugin is retrieved from the service locator, inject the controller in the plugin every time it is requested. This is required because a controller can use a plugin and another controller can be dispatched afterwards. If this second controller uses the same plugin as the first controller, the reference to the controller inside the plugin is lost. :param string: :param mixed: :param bool: :rtype: mixed setController +++++++++++++ .. function:: setController() Set controller :param DispatchableInterface: :rtype: PluginManager getController +++++++++++++ .. function:: getController() Retrieve controller instance :rtype: null|DispatchableInterface injectController ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: injectController() Inject a helper instance with the registered controller :param object: :rtype: void validatePlugin ++++++++++++++ .. function:: validatePlugin() Validate the plugin Any plugin is considered valid in this context. :param mixed: :rtype: void :throws: Exception\InvalidPluginException