.. Mvc/View/Console/ViewManager.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mvc\\View\\Console\\ViewManager ===================================== Prepares the view layer for console applications Methods ------- onBootstrap +++++++++++ .. function:: onBootstrap() Prepares the view layer Overriding, as several operations are omitted in the console view algorithms, as well as to ensure we pick up the Console variants of several listeners and strategies. :param $event: :rtype: void getMvcRenderingStrategy +++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getMvcRenderingStrategy() Instantiates and configures the default MVC rendering strategy Overriding to ensure we pick up the MVC rendering strategy for console, as well as to ensure that the appropriate aliases are set. :rtype: DefaultRenderingStrategy getExceptionStrategy ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getExceptionStrategy() Instantiates and configures the exception strategy Overriding to ensure we pick up the exception strategy for console, as well as to ensure that the appropriate aliases are set. :rtype: ExceptionStrategy getRouteNotFoundStrategy ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: getRouteNotFoundStrategy() Instantiates and configures the "route not found", or 404, strategy Overriding to ensure we pick up the route not found strategy for console, as well as to ensure that the appropriate aliases are set. :rtype: RouteNotFoundStrategy