.. Mvc/View/Console/ExceptionStrategy.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Mvc\\View\\Console\\ExceptionStrategy =========================================== Methods ------- attach ++++++ .. function:: attach() Attach the aggregate to the specified event manager :param EventManagerInterface: :rtype: void detach ++++++ .. function:: detach() Detach aggregate listeners from the specified event manager :param EventManagerInterface: :rtype: void setDisplayExceptions ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: setDisplayExceptions() Flag: display exceptions in error pages? :param bool: :rtype: ExceptionStrategy displayExceptions +++++++++++++++++ .. function:: displayExceptions() Should we display exceptions in error pages? :rtype: bool getMessage ++++++++++ .. function:: getMessage() Get current template for message that will be shown in Console. :rtype: string setMessage ++++++++++ .. function:: setMessage() Set template for message that will be shown in Console. The message can be a string (template) or a callable (i.e. a closure). The closure is expected to return a string and will be called with 2 parameters: Exception $exception - the exception being thrown boolean $displayExceptions - whether to display exceptions or not If the message is a string, one can use the following template params: :className - full class name of exception instance :message - exception message :code - exception code :file - the file where the exception has been thrown :line - the line where the exception has been thrown :stack - full exception stack :param string|callable: :rtype: ExceptionStrategy prepareExceptionViewModel +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: prepareExceptionViewModel() Create an exception view model, and set the HTTP status code :param MvcEvent: :rtype: void