.. Soap/Wsdl/ComplexTypeStrategy/ArrayOfTypeSequence.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Soap\\Wsdl\\ComplexTypeStrategy\\ArrayOfTypeSequence ========================================================== Zend_Soap_Wsdl_Strategy_ArrayOfTypeSequence Methods ------- addComplexType ++++++++++++++ .. function:: addComplexType() Add an unbounded ArrayOfType based on the xsd:sequence syntax if type[] is detected in return value doc comment. :param string: :rtype: string tns:xsd-type _getTypeBasedOnNestingLevel +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _getTypeBasedOnNestingLevel() Return the ArrayOf or simple type name based on the singular xsdtype and the nesting level :param string: :param int: :rtype: string _getSingularType ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _getSingularType() From a nested definition with type[], get the singular xsd:type :param string: :rtype: string _getNestedCount +++++++++++++++ .. function:: _getNestedCount() Return the array nesting level based on the type name :param string: :rtype: integer _addSequenceType ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _addSequenceType() Append the complex type definition to the WSDL via the context access :param string: Array type name (e.g. 'tns:ArrayOfArrayOfInt') :param string: Qualified array items type (e.g. 'xsd:int', 'tns:ArrayOfInt') :param string: PHP type (e.g. 'int[][]', '\MyNamespace\MyClassName[][][]') :rtype: void