.. Serializer/Adapter/PythonPickle.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:27pm Class ***** Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\PythonPickle ======================================= @link http://www.python.org Methods ------- __construct +++++++++++ .. function:: __construct() Constructor. :param array|\Traversable|PythonPickleOptions: Optional setOptions ++++++++++ .. function:: setOptions() Set options :param array|\Traversable|PythonPickleOptions: :rtype: PythonPickle getOptions ++++++++++ .. function:: getOptions() Get options :rtype: PythonPickleOptions serialize +++++++++ .. function:: serialize() Serialize PHP to PythonPickle format :param mixed: :rtype: string write +++++ .. function:: write() Write a value :param mixed: :throws Exception\RuntimeException: on invalid or unrecognized value type writeProto ++++++++++ .. function:: writeProto() Write pickle protocol :param int: writeGet ++++++++ .. function:: writeGet() Write a get :param int: Id of memo writePut ++++++++ .. function:: writePut() Write a put :param int: Id of memo writeNull +++++++++ .. function:: writeNull() Write a null as None writeBool +++++++++ .. function:: writeBool() Write boolean value :param bool: writeInt ++++++++ .. function:: writeInt() Write an integer value :param int: writeFloat ++++++++++ .. function:: writeFloat() Write a float value :param float: writeString +++++++++++ .. function:: writeString() Write a string value :param string: writeArrayDict ++++++++++++++ .. function:: writeArrayDict() Write an associative array value as dictionary :param array|Traversable: writeArrayList ++++++++++++++ .. function:: writeArrayList() Write a simple array value as list :param array: writeObject +++++++++++ .. function:: writeObject() Write an object as an dictionary :param object: writeStop +++++++++ .. function:: writeStop() Write stop memorize ++++++++ .. function:: memorize() Add a value to the memo and write the id :param mixed: searchMemo ++++++++++ .. function:: searchMemo() Search a value in the memo and return the id :param mixed: :rtype: int|bool The id or false quoteString +++++++++++ .. function:: quoteString() Quote/Escape a string :param string: :rtype: string quoted string unserialize +++++++++++ .. function:: unserialize() Unserialize from Python Pickle format to PHP :param string: :rtype: mixed :throws: Exception\RuntimeException on invalid Pickle string clearProcessVars ++++++++++++++++ .. function:: clearProcessVars() Clear temp variables needed for processing load ++++ .. function:: load() Load a pickle opcode :param string: :throws Exception\RuntimeException: on invalid opcode loadPut +++++++ .. function:: loadPut() Load a PUT opcode loadBinPut ++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinPut() Load a binary PUT loadLongBinPut ++++++++++++++ .. function:: loadLongBinPut() Load a long binary PUT loadGet +++++++ .. function:: loadGet() Load a GET operation loadBinGet ++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinGet() Load a binary GET operation loadLongBinGet ++++++++++++++ .. function:: loadLongBinGet() Load a long binary GET operation loadNone ++++++++ .. function:: loadNone() Load a NONE operator loadNewTrue +++++++++++ .. function:: loadNewTrue() Load a boolean TRUE operator loadNewFalse ++++++++++++ .. function:: loadNewFalse() Load a boolean FALSE operator loadInt +++++++ .. function:: loadInt() Load an integer operator loadBinInt ++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinInt() Load a binary integer operator loadBinInt1 +++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinInt1() Load the first byte of a binary integer loadBinInt2 +++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinInt2() Load the second byte of a binary integer loadLong ++++++++ .. function:: loadLong() Load a long (float) operator loadLong1 +++++++++ .. function:: loadLong1() Load a one byte long integer loadLong4 +++++++++ .. function:: loadLong4() Load a 4 byte long integer loadFloat +++++++++ .. function:: loadFloat() Load a float value loadBinFloat ++++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinFloat() Load a binary float value loadString ++++++++++ .. function:: loadString() Load a string loadBinString +++++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinString() Load a binary string loadShortBinString ++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: loadShortBinString() Load a short binary string loadBinBytes ++++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinBytes() Load arbitrary binary bytes loadShortBinBytes +++++++++++++++++ .. function:: loadShortBinBytes() Load a single binary byte loadUnicode +++++++++++ .. function:: loadUnicode() Load a unicode string _convertMatchingUnicodeSequence2Utf8 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: _convertMatchingUnicodeSequence2Utf8() Convert a unicode sequence to UTF-8 :param array: :rtype: string hex2Utf8 ++++++++ .. function:: hex2Utf8() Convert a hex string to a UTF-8 string :param string: :rtype: string :throws: Exception\RuntimeException on unmatched unicode sequence loadBinUnicode ++++++++++++++ .. function:: loadBinUnicode() Load binary unicode sequence loadMark ++++++++ .. function:: loadMark() Load a marker sequence loadList ++++++++ .. function:: loadList() Load an array (list) loadAppend ++++++++++ .. function:: loadAppend() Load an append (to list) sequence loadEmptyList +++++++++++++ .. function:: loadEmptyList() Load an empty list sequence loadAppends +++++++++++ .. function:: loadAppends() Load multiple append (to list) sequences at once loadDict ++++++++ .. function:: loadDict() Load an associative array (Python dictionary) loadSetItem +++++++++++ .. function:: loadSetItem() Load an item from a set _loadEmptyDict ++++++++++++++ .. function:: _loadEmptyDict() Load an empty dictionary loadSetItems ++++++++++++ .. function:: loadSetItems() Load set items loadTuple +++++++++ .. function:: loadTuple() Load a tuple loadTuple1 ++++++++++ .. function:: loadTuple1() Load single item tuple loadTuple2 ++++++++++ .. function:: loadTuple2() Load two item tuple loadTuple3 ++++++++++ .. function:: loadTuple3() Load three item tuple loadProto +++++++++ .. function:: loadProto() Load a proto value read ++++ .. function:: read() Read a segment of the pickle :param mixed: :rtype: string :throws: Exception\RuntimeException if position matches end of data readline ++++++++ .. function:: readline() Read a line of the pickle at once :rtype: string :throws: Exception\RuntimeException if no EOL character found unquoteString +++++++++++++ .. function:: unquoteString() Unquote/Unescape a quoted string :param string: quoted string :rtype: string unquoted string lastMarker ++++++++++ .. function:: lastMarker() Return last marker position in stack :rtype: int decodeBinLong +++++++++++++ .. function:: decodeBinLong() Decode a binary long sequence :param string: :rtype: int|float|string Constants --------- OP_MARK +++++++ Pickle opcodes. See pickletools.py for extensive docs. OP_STOP +++++++ OP_POP ++++++ OP_POP_MARK +++++++++++ OP_DUP ++++++ OP_FLOAT ++++++++ OP_INT ++++++ OP_BININT +++++++++ OP_BININT1 ++++++++++ OP_LONG +++++++ OP_BININT2 ++++++++++ OP_NONE +++++++ OP_PERSID +++++++++ OP_BINPERSID ++++++++++++ OP_REDUCE +++++++++ OP_STRING +++++++++ OP_BINSTRING ++++++++++++ OP_SHORT_BINSTRING ++++++++++++++++++ OP_UNICODE ++++++++++ OP_BINUNICODE +++++++++++++ OP_APPEND +++++++++ OP_BUILD ++++++++ OP_GLOBAL +++++++++ OP_DICT +++++++ OP_EMPTY_DICT +++++++++++++ OP_APPENDS ++++++++++ OP_GET ++++++ OP_BINGET +++++++++ OP_INST +++++++ OP_LONG_BINGET ++++++++++++++ OP_LIST +++++++ OP_EMPTY_LIST +++++++++++++ OP_OBJ ++++++ OP_PUT ++++++ OP_BINPUT +++++++++ OP_LONG_BINPUT ++++++++++++++ OP_SETITEM ++++++++++ OP_TUPLE ++++++++ OP_EMPTY_TUPLE ++++++++++++++ OP_SETITEMS +++++++++++ OP_BINFLOAT +++++++++++ OP_PROTO ++++++++ OP_NEWOBJ +++++++++ OP_EXT1 +++++++ OP_EXT2 +++++++ OP_EXT4 +++++++ OP_TUPLE1 +++++++++ OP_TUPLE2 +++++++++ OP_TUPLE3 +++++++++ OP_NEWTRUE ++++++++++ OP_NEWFALSE +++++++++++ OP_LONG1 ++++++++ OP_LONG4 ++++++++ OP_BINBYTES +++++++++++ OP_SHORT_BINBYTES +++++++++++++++++