.. Cache/Storage/Adapter/MemoryOptions.php generated using docpx on 01/30/13 03:26pm Class ***** Zend\\Cache\\Storage\\Adapter\\MemoryOptions ============================================ These are options specific to the APC adapter Methods ------- setMemoryLimit ++++++++++++++ .. function:: setMemoryLimit() Set memory limit - A number less or equal 0 will disable the memory limit - When a number is used, the value is measured in bytes. Shorthand notation may also be used. - If the used memory of PHP exceeds this limit an OutOfSpaceException will be thrown. :param string|int: :rtype: MemoryOptions getMemoryLimit ++++++++++++++ .. function:: getMemoryLimit() Get memory limit If the used memory of PHP exceeds this limit an OutOfSpaceException will be thrown. :rtype: int normalizeMemoryLimit ++++++++++++++++++++ .. function:: normalizeMemoryLimit() Normalized a given value of memory limit into the number of bytes :param string|int: :throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException: :rtype: int